Sahara (Arabic: "The Largest Desert") is the world's largest hot desert. The name Sahara is derived from the Arabic word Sahra , which means desert. It is the Atlantic in the northern part of Africa Extends up to 5,600 kilometers from the ocean to the Red Sea, extending from Sudan to the north and Atlas Mountains south to 1,300 kilometers, including some coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In this, it is almost equal to Europe and more than double the area of India, this is an expanse of the desert in Mali, Morocco, Muttania, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Niger, Chad, Sudan and Egypt. It is a semi-arid tropical savanna region, which separates the Sahara from the rest of Africa.
Sahara is a low desert plateau whose average height is 300 meters. The intermittent history of this tropical desert is about three million years old. [3] Here are some low volcanic mountains, which include Hogar of Algeria and Tibesti Mountain of Libya. Located on the Tibesti Mountain, the Eimi Kuni volcano is the highest point of Sahara, whose height is 3,415 meters. The dunes and ravens of the vast sand formed with the wind make its normal geomorphic nature. In the west of the Sahara desert, large sand sand mounds are found in the region of the Maricinia. Some sand dunes can reach up to 180 meters (600 feet) in height. [4] In some parts of the Sahara, some of the green herbs are found due to irrigation facilities by well, river, or waterfall. Kufara, Tuyet, Weddale, Tininkukku, Lajuf are the chief herbs of Sahara. There are dry valleys of the rivers, which are called Wadi. Here lakes of lake water are found.
The climate of the Sahara desert is dry and odd. Here, both daily temperature and annual temperature are high. There is a severe heat in the day and severe cold in the night. The temperature reaches 580 ° C in the day and the temperature goes down even below freezing point in the night. A recent research has shown that Africa's Sahara region has been transformed into the largest desert of the world almost two and a half thousand years due to continuous decrease of greenery. The northern areas of Africa were filled with greenery 6,000 years ago. Apart from this, there were also many lakes. Most of the evidence giving a detailed account of this physical change has also been destroyed. These studies were done on Lake Yoa in Chad. According to the scientist Stefan Kroplin, Sahara took considerable time to become the desert; according to the old theories and beliefs, greenery decreased rapidly in the last five and a half thousand years, and this desert was born. In the year 2000, Dr. Peter Maikolle's study of Columbia University supports old recognition.
Harmattam winds move from north-east direction in the Sahara desert. They are hot and dry. In the coastal areas of Guinea, these winds are popular in the name of Dr. Vayu because they provide relief to the residents of this region by the humid weather. Apart from this, in the months of May and September, in the areas of northern and northeastern Sudan, in the afternoon, there are dust storms especially in the adjacent areas of the capital Khartoum. Due to these, it also becomes very less visible. These winds called Habubu bring heavy rains along with thunder and thunderstorms.

The top image shows the Oasis on the surface of the Sahara. Below (use of radar) is a rock layer below, which reveals black channels filled with a type of tube of an ancient river, which once used Oasis feeds. ]] Sahara covers a large portion of Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Western Sahara, Sudan and Tunisia. It includes 9 million square kilometers (3,500,000 square miles), which is the sum of 31% of Africa. If all areas were covered with an average annual rainfall of less than 250 mm, then Sahara would be 11 million square kilometers (4,200,000 square miles). This African is one of the three distinct geographical provinces of the geographical division on a large scale.
Sahara mainly make rocky Hamada (stone plateaus), arag (sand areas - large areas with sand dunes) only make a slight part, but many sand tiny is 180 meters (590 feet) high. Air or rare rainfall characteristics of the desert: shaped sand dunes, dunes fields, sand ocean, stone plateau, gravel grounds, dry valleys (wadi), dry lakes (voice), and salt flats (shots or chats) Are there. Unusual landforms include ranch structure in Mauritania
Many grow deeply disintegrated mountains, many volcanic eras, mountain ranges from Aghangaar, Saharan Atlas, Tibetan Mountains, Adar des Ifras and Red Sea hills. The highest peak in Sahara is a shield volcano, Emi Kossi in the Tibesti range of Northern Chad.
Central Sahara is hyperarid, with rare vegetation. To the north and south of the desert, with mountainous terrain, along with trees and tall shrubs, where moisture collects, there are areas of rare grazing and desert springs. In the central, hyperarid area, there are several subdivisions of the Great Desert: Tanezoft, Tenera, Libyan Desert, Eastern Desert, Nubian Desert and others. These extremely dry areas do not get rain for many years.
In the north, Sahara skirts in the Mediterranean Sea and parts of Libya in Egypt, but in Cyrenica and Magreb, Sahara has a Mediterranean forest,
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